- Museum of Greek Children’s Art http://www.childrensartmuseum.gr
- Hellenic Children’s Museum http://www.hcm.gr
- Museum of Cycladic Art http://www.cycladic.gr
- Museum of Greek Folk Art http://www.melt.gr
- Goulandris Natural History Museum and Gaia Centre http://www.gnhm.gr
- National Archaeological Museum http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/1/eh154.jsp?obj_id=3249
- International Gallery of Children’s Art http://www.ligca.org
- The V&A Museum of Childhood http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc
- Cité des Enfants http://www.cite-sciences.fr
- Musée de la Magie http://www.museedelamagie.com
New York
- American Museum of Natural History http://www.amnh.org
- Explora http://www.mdbr.it
- Imaginario Scientifico http://www.imaginarioscientifico.it
- Museo Internazionale delle Marionette http://www.museomarionettepalermo.it